Monday, August 12, 2019

Presbyterian Mission Trip 2019:  Fayeteville

Rev. Peter went on a summer sabbatical and learned many things.  On Sunday he spoke beautifully about 3 commonly used expressions including "Remember When?" "What if..." and "If only...."
But most importantly Rev. Peter learned during his sabbatical to "Do what you're doing while you're doing it.'  Do not become distracted by worldly issues.
We are learning while serving to use our 5 senses..... pay attention to what is happening around you.
Don't worry about the past, you can't change it.  Don't worry about the future, God is in control. Focus on the present.  Let the Spirit lead you.

Instead of saying "Remember when we went to WV?....the drive was much shorter." Speak about how much more fun we had because the ride was longer.

Instead of  "If only the vans had showed up on time", say I actually had time to take an afternoon nap.

And, instead of "What if I had decided to just stay home" think of the opportunities you would have missed here in Fayetteville.

We were called for this as the disciples were called. (Just like Carmen taught us during our devotions tonight).

The trip to Fayetteville took almost as long as the as the movie "Logistics" which is 857 hours.  (Thank you Kyle for that bit of trivia).

On the way to Fayetteville, we only stopped once and God led us to help an elderly couple who needed their car battery jumped.  We were more than happy to take and additional 10 minutes to help them.  So, as soon as we arrived Rev. Peter made us go to bed.  And that is why you are getting Sunday and Monday combined.

Work Day #1:  Monday, August 12, 2019

We started the day with an orientation at the Crisis Relief Center.  We met Kelly, our project manager. He told us all about the previous hurricanes including Matthew in October 2016 and Florence in September 2018.  People in Fayetteville are still recovering from Hurricane Matthew.  Some of the work we did was recovery from Hurricane Matthew.

We broke into 4 different teams to work on 3 different houses.  One group did roofing, At the same house the other group worked on the floor. And at the second house the team prepared the room for painting and new flooring.
The roofers created a large mess for those working on the floor and without a broom, there was difficulty cleaning the mess.

Our host church, Highland Presbyterian,  is quite large and very beautiful.  We have wonderful amenities and they have graciously provided us with all we need.

To end, if I learned one thing, and I think I can speak for Davis as well, we don't want to quit our day jobs.

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Hello all you persistent readers.  It's Clark again with these words.  Too bad my typist Sarah is not here to make this job easier for...